Interior of Slee Bros. store, Poughkeepsie, NY.
Exterior of Slee Bros. Photography Gallery, Poughkeepsie, NY. The brothers are probably the men on the balcony.
Hudson River Views. Residence of Mr. Sargeant, near Fishkill, N.Y. Italian Garden, Wodenethe.
Washington Hollow Fair. The Dutchess County Agricultural Society was organized in 1841 at Washington Hollow. The first Dutchess County Fair was held there on the first Wednesday and Thursday of October 1842. Total prizes awarded for livestock, fruit and vegetables at this fair amounted to $294.00. In 1843 the fair was held in Poughkeepsie, in 1844 in Washington Hollow and then alternated between Poughkeepsie and Washington Hollow until 1852, when Washington Hollow was chosen as the permanent site of the Dutchess County Fair. Washington Hollow is one of the three hamlets that make up the Town of Pleasant Valley, NY. Originally called Pittsbury, it was later renamed after George Washington who passed through and camped there during the American Revolution.
Washington Hollow Fair. The Dutchess County Agricultural Society was organized in 1841 at Washington Hollow. The first Dutchess County Fair was held there on the first Wednesday and Thursday of October 1842. Total prizes awarded for livestock, fruit and vegetables at this fair amounted to $294.00. In 1843 the fair was held in Poughkeepsie, in 1844 in Washington Hollow and then alternated between Poughkeepsie and Washington Hollow until 1852, when Washington Hollow was chosen as the permanent site of the Dutchess County Fair. Washington Hollow is one of the three hamlets that make up the Town of Pleasant Valley, NY. Originally called Pittsbury, it was later renamed after George Washington who passed through and camped there during the American Revolution.