Photographer click to expand
- Abbott, J.H.
- Adams, E.A.
- Adams, S.F.
- Alden, A.E.
- Alman, L.
- Altemus & Co.
- American Photograph Co.
- Anonymous Photographica
- Anthony, E. & E. & H.T.
- Appleton, D. & Co.
- Armstrong, W.H.
- Arnold, T.J.
- Auchmoody
- Aylsworth & Loomis
- Babbitt, Platt D.-Photo
- Babbitt & Tugby-Photographica
- Barnard, George
- B.B. & Cie.
- Bennett, H.H.
- Benoit, N.E.
- Bickelmann, C.O.
- Biffar, Henry W.-Photo
- Blauvelt & Co.
- Blessing, S.T.
- Bogardus, A.-Phot.
- Bowman, W.E.-Photographica
- Bradley, W.J.
- Buchtel, Jos.
- Bundy and Train
- Burr, Michael
- Carbutt, John-Photo
- Carlton, C.G.
- Chesley, G.W.
- Choate, John N.
- City Photograph Galley, H.L. Fixby, mgr.
- Claflin
- Clement, E.L.-Phot.
- Cole, B.F.
- Cole, Roderick-Photo
- Collins, E.M.
- Continent Stereoscopic Co.
- Cook
- Cooley, Sam A.
- Cornell, Mr. & Mrs. C.V.D.
- Crawford, E.L.
- Cushing, Henry
- Doremus, J.P.
- Dunham
- Echard, W.C.
- Eisenmann, Chas. Photographica
- England (amateur)
- Fitzgibbon, J.H.-Phot.
- French, J.A.
- Fyler, F.F.-Photo
- Gag, Anton
- Gates, G.F.
- Gill, W.L.
- Gleason, Wm. B.
- Goebel, R.-Photo
- Goodlander
- Gould & Fancher
- Graver, Nicholas M.
- Gray, G.E.
- Gurnsey
- Hall
- Hall Bros.
- Hall, J.
- Hansen, Georg E.
- Harley & Nason
- Havens
- Haynes, F.J.
- Heering, J.H.
- Henderson, H.
- Holmes, William B.
- Hope, J.D.
- Hotchkiss, A.E.
- Houghton & Knowlton
- Houseworth, Thomas & Co.
- Howard, L.B.
- Hutchinson, George S.
- Irish, G.S.
- Jackson, W.H.
- Jacoby
- James, W.E.-Photo.
- Jann, Oscar
- Jarvis, Benjamin
- Johnson
- Johnson, E.M.
- Johnson, L.D.
- Joslin & Phillips
- Keystone-Photographica
- Kiefer Brothers
- Kientzle, A.
- Kilburn, B.W. & Kilburn Brothers-Phot
- Kurtz, William
- Lane, W.V.
- Larrabee, W.F.
- Lawrence & Houseworth
- Leeson, W.H.
- Lilienthal, Theo.
- Linn, R.M. & Bro.
- London Stereoscopic Co.
- Loomis, G.H.
- Lufkin
- Mather
- Maynard, R.
- McAllister & Brother
- McFarlin & Peck
- Miller, M.
- Meinerth, Carl
- Moore, F.J.
- Morgan, Rufus
- Moses
- Moulton, J.W.
- Mugnier
- New England View Co., James A. Briggs
- New York Stereoscopic Co.
- Nichols, C.W.-Phot.
- Nickerson, G.H.
- Nock, E.B.
- Notman, W.-Phot.
- Nowell, F.A.
- Pach, G.W.
- Palmer, C.A.
- Parks, J.G.
- Peabody & Weed
- Pesme
- Pine, George
- Platz, Max
- Porter, W.S.
- Potter, J.C.-Photo
- Proctor
- Prouty, Chas.
- Purviance
- Reilly, J.J.
- Rintoul & Rockwood
- Risser
- Roberts & Whiting
- Rood, F.M.
- Russell, A. J.-Phot.
- Russell, B.H. Mr. & Mrs.
- Samo
- Savage, C.R.-Photo.
- Seaver
- Sheldon (Canada)
- Sheldon, A.
- Shute
- Singhi
- Singhi, W.G.
- Sipperly, W.H.
- Slaughenhaupt, Harry T.
- Slee Bros.
- Smillie, T.W.
- Soule, John P.
- Southern Photographic Association
- Spencer, S.A.
- Spencer & Armour
- Spencer & Falkner
- Squier, E.B.
- Stacy, George
- Stark, A.D.
- Starr, A.M.
- Stewart, W.T.
- Stoddard, S.R.
- Sutton, W.L.
- Swain & Mote
- Tenney, Chas. A.
- Thomas & Treadwell
- Thorne, Geo. W. Photographica
- Trapp, T.J.
- Underwood & Underwood Photographica
- Vail Brothers
- Vail, J.G.
- Vose, S.S.
- Waldack
- Ward, H.D.
- Watkins, C.E. Photographica
- Webster, A.G.-Phot.
- Wells, E.D., Mrs.
- White, H.C.-Phot.
- White, W.S.-Photo
- Wilkins, J.
- Williams, T.J.
- Wilson-Phot.
- Woodward
- Wooley, J.S.
- Yeager, F.M.
- Young, Lewis T.
Keyword click to expand
- Animals with Cameras
- Arkansas Photographica
- California Photographica
- Camera Obscura
- Colorado Photographica
- Connecticut Photographica
- Dakota Territory Photographica
- Delaware-Photographica
- Fairs, Expos
- Florida Photographica
- Foreign
- Genre
- Georgia
- Heald, J.T.
- Illinois Photographica
- Indiana Photographica
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Massachusetts Photographica
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri Photographica
- Montana
- New Hampshire Photographica
- New Jersey Photographica
- New York City & State Photographica
- North Carolina
- Ohio Photographica
- Oregon Photographica
- P.C. Duchochois
- Pennsylvania Photographica
- Photo Factories
- Photo Galleries, Studios, Retail Establishments-Exteriors
- Photo Galleries, Studios, Retail Establishments-Interiors
- Photographers with Cameras
- Photographers Without Cameras
- Photographic Fairs
- Photo Tents
- Photo Trains
- Photo Wagons
- Rhode Island Photographica
- S. Hunter Smith
- Sir David Brewster
- South Carolina
- Stereoviewing
- Still Lifes
- Tennessee
- Tinted – Photographica
- Tissues – Photographica
- Travelling Photo Studios
- Utah Photographica
- Vermont Photographica
- Virginia Photographica
- Wisconsin Photographica
- Washington DC
- Women
- Yosemite