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Lawrence, G.-HV 50832. Residence of Dr. Wheeller, Westfield Flats, Sullivan Co., NY. 50833. Butternut Grove School House, Delaware County, NY. 50834. Butternut Grove and the Valley of the Beverkill in the distance looking up Lordes Cooks Falls, Delaware County, NY. 50835. Cooks Falls on Beverkill looking up, Delaware County, NY. 50836. Farming scene on Beverkill. The residence of M. Pelton, Delaware County, NY. 50837. Rafting scene on Beverkill, Delaware County, NY. 50838. Freshet on the Beverkill. Rafts a’ running, Delaware County, NY. 50839. Family group of Dr. Wheeller, Sullivan County, NY. 50840. City boarders at White Lake, Fishing for black bass. Sullivan County, NY. 50841. Grove Hotel at White Lake, Sullivan County, NY.