
4. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The Eighth Regiment marching past the St. Nicholas, on their way to Pier No. 1, to meet the Embassy, the Metropolitan Hotel in the distance, June 16, 1860. Label on verso “From James W. Queen & Co., Opticians, Philadelphia.”

5. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The Seventh Regiment marching past the St. Nicholas, on their way to Pier No. 1, to meet the Embassy, the Metropolitan Hotel in the distance, June 16, 1860.

5. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The Seventh Regiment marching past the St. Nicholas, on their way to Pier No. 1, to meet the Embassy, the Metropolitan Hotel in the distance, June 16, 1860.

6. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The Fifth Regiment passing the St. Nicholas, on the way to meet the Embassy, June 16, 1860. Label on verso “From James W. Queen & Co., Opticians, Philadelphia.”

7. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

Troop of Cavalry passing the St. Nicholas on the way to meet the Embassy, June 16, 1860. Label on verso “From James W. Queen & Co., Opticians, Philadelphia.”

8. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The Artillery begin to arrive on the Battery, prior to the approach of the steamer, conveying the Embassy, June 16, 1860.

9. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

Groups begin to gather around the artillery on the Battery, prior to the arrival of the Embassy, June 16, 1860. Label on verso “From James W. Queen & Co., Opticians, Philadelphia.”

11. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The guns are placed in position, to salute the Embassy. Picturesque groups gathers around them, June 16, 1860.

12. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The crowd are dispersed from around the guns previous to firing the salute, June 16, 1860. (The gathering of heavy clouds prevented any further instantaneous operation on the day of the arrival.)

15. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The Seventh Regiment arrive in front of the Metropolitan to escort the Embassy to the City Hall, June 18, 1860. Two tax stamps on verso, 1-cent and 2-cent.

16. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The Seventh Regiment are drawn up opposite the Metropolitan while the Ambassadors enter the carriages, June 18, 1860.

17. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The Embassy leave the Metropolitan for the City Hall. The Seventh Regiment form a hollow square with the carriages of the Embassy in the middle, June, 18, 1860.

17. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The Embassy leave the Metropolitan for the City Hall. The Seventh Regiment form a hollow square with the carriages of the Embassy in the middle, June 18, 1860.

19. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

Arrival of the Governor at the City Hall under the escort of the Cavalry of the Seventh Regiment, June 18, 1860.

21. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The Seventh Regiment taking position in front of the City Hall, after the Embassy have entered the Building, June 18, 1860.

22. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

The Seventh Regiment awaiting the termination of the interview between the Embassy and the Municipal and State Authorities, June 18, 1860.

23. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

While the interview between the Authorities and their guests is prolonged, the Seventh Regiment, gallant fellows, are attacked with the pangs of hunger, and stacking their arms, they rush to the neighboring restaurants, June 18, 1860.

24. The Japanese Embassy in New York.

Return of the Embassy from the City Hall, on the conclusion of their interview with the Municipal and State Authorities, June 18, 1860.


Fourth of July in and about New York. Troops entering the Park from Tryon Row, July 4th, 1860.


Troops entering the Park from Tryon Row, July 4th, 1860.


Fourth of July in and about New York. Cavalry entering the Park from Tryon Row, July 4th, 1860.


Fourth of July in and about New York. A Company of Infantry marching through Chambers St., July 4th, 1860.


A Company of Infantry marching through Chambers St., July 4, 1860.


Fourth of July in and about New-York. A Company of Infantry marching through Chambers St., July 4th, 1860.


Fourth of July in and about New-York. A Company of Infantry marching through Chambers St., July 4th, 1860.


Fourth of July in and about New York. A Company of Infantry marching through Chambers St., July 4th, 1860.


Fourth of July in and about New York. To the Right-Wheel.


Fourth of July in and about New York. To the Right-Wheel.


Fourth of July In and About New-York. To the Right-Wheel.


Fourth of July in and about New-York. The Highlanders marching in Tryon Row, July 4th, 1860.


Fourth of July in and about New York. The Highlanders marching in Tryon Row, July 4th, 1860. 2-cent tax stamp on verso.


Scene on the Battery at New-York, on the occasion of the Reception of the Prince of Wales.


Scene on the Battery at New-York, on the occasion of the Reception of the Prince of Wales.


Scene on the Battery at New-York on the occasion of the Reception of the Prince of Wales.


Scene on the Battery at New-York, on the occasion of the Reception of the Prince of Wales.


Scene on the Battery at New-York, on the occasion of the Reception of the Prince of Wales.


Review of the 7th Regiment N.Y.S.M. at Camp Cameron. This was known as the “Silk Stocking” Regiment. Camp Cameron was located in Georgetown, DC.


Review of the 7th Regiment N.Y.S.M. at Camp Cameron. This was known as the “Silk Stocking” Regiment. Camp Cameron was located in Georgetown, DC.


The Great Union Meeting in Union Square, New-York, April 20, 1861. No. 1. The crowd gathering about the Equestrian Statue of Washington. The Everett House in the distance.


The Great Union Meeting, Union Square, New York, April 20, 1861. 2-cent tax stamp on verso.


The Great Union Meeting in Union Square, New-York, April 20, 1861. No. 2. The gathering numbers fill the streets and crown the house tops with a living mass.


The Great Union Meeting, Union Square, New York, April 20, 1861.


The Great Union Meeting in Union Square, New-York, April 20, 1861. No. 4. The Equestrian Statue of Washington, bearing aloft the flag of Fort Sumter. A great historical picture. Below see the heaving mass burning with devotion to the Constitution bequeathed to them as a sacred legacy by their fathers.


The Great Union Meeting, Union Square, New York, April 20, 1861. This negative is No. 911, although labeled 908.


The Great Union Meeting, Union Square, New York, April 20, 1861.


The Return of the New York 69th Regiment, N.Y.S.N.G. 2-cent tax stamp on verso.


The Return of the New York 69th Regiment, N.Y.S.N.G. 2-cent tax stamp on verso.


Broadway from Broome Street, Looking Up. Banner hung across Broadway for Corcoran’s Zoaves.


Broadway from Broome Street, Looking Up. Banner for Corcoran’s Zouave’s hangs across Broadway.


Broadway from Broome Street, Looking Down. Banner hung across Broadway for the 76th Regiment, Scotchmen for [the Union]. This banner was displayed from late April through May, 1861.