Broadway from Houston Street, Looking North. Winter. Solar enlargers on rooftop at right.
Artists at Work, Prospect Park, Brooklyn. I believe the man at right is W.E. James. An assistant can be seen working, leaning in the back of the dark wagon.
49. A dangerous position-H.C. White Co. Photographer working on column of new building, 250 feet above ground, New York.
8288. Looking N. up Fifth Ave. past Flatiron Bldg. and Madison Sq., New York. The man on the girder is identified as Horace Dade Ashton. In The Spirit of Villarosa: A Father’s Extraordinary Adventures; A Son’s Challenge by Horace Ashton and Marc Ashton, a biography of Horace Dade Ashton by his sons, it is stated that “My favorite Horace Ashton photograph hangs on the wall in my home. It is the famous black-and-white self-portrait he took from the top of the Woolworth Building in Manhattan. In the picture I have, he is sitting on the girder high above the city. The photograph is my favorite for a number of reasons, certainly because it is a wonderful example of classic American art of the twentieth century, but mostly because it is so typical of Dad. I’m sure he enjoyed the thrill of it all that day.” In this quote the image is referred to as a “self-portrait” which would mean Horace Dade Ashton is both the subject and the photographer.