The Great Union Meeting in Union Square, New-York, April 20, 1861. No. 1. The crowd gathering about the Equestrian Statue of Washington. The Everett House in the distance.
The Great Union Meeting in Union Square, New-York, April 20, 1861. No. 1. The crowd gathering about the Equestrian Statue of Washington. The Everett House in the distance.
The Great Union Meeting in Union Square, New-York, April 20, 1861. No. 2. The gathering numbers fill the streets and crown the house tops with a living mass.
The Great Union Meeting in Union Square, New-York, April 20, 1861. No. 4. The Equestrian Statue of Washington, bearing aloft the flag of Fort Sumter. A great historical picture. Below see the heaving mass burning with devotion to the Constitution bequeathed to them as a sacred legacy by their fathers.
The Great Union Meeting, Union Square, New York, April 20, 1861. This negative is No. 911, although labeled 908.
Broadway Looking North from Union Square. Taken from the new building of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Washington Monument–Union Square. Taken from the new building of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co.
Looking North. From the Domestic Sewing Machine Co’s Building. The Everett House Hotel at left center.
Looking North. From the Domestic Sewing Machine Co’s Building. The Everett House Hotel at left center.
Union Square and 4th Avenue–Looking North-East. From the Domestic Sewing Machine Co’s Building.
Union Square and 4th Avenue–Looking North-East. From the Domestic Sewing Machine Co’s Building.
Broadway 13 & 14 St. (Union Square). N.Y. City. 1878. Sign across Broadway for the American Jockey Club Races at Jerome Park.