P.T. Barnum & Commodore Nutt.
Please note that images of P.T. Barnum’s Museums and other views having to do with Barnum in NYC, can be found in the New York City section of this website or by searching “Barnum” in the top right search box on this page.
General Tom Thumb in his 20th Year-Weight 25 lbs. Autograph of the General. Charles Stratton known as General Tom Thumb. With P.T. Barnum. The “autograph” is a facsimile.
Miss Adelaide Powers, The Kentucky Mammoth Lady, Age 24 years. Weighs 490 lbs. Now on Exhibition at Barnum’s Museum.
Sam’l Bishop, Mammoth Fat Boy, 2 years old. Weighs 220 lbs. Now on exhibition at Barnum’s Museum.
William Wallace, the Scottish Dwarf. 15 years old; 23 inches high; weighs 24 lbs. Now at Barnum’s Museum.