John Babtista dos Santos of Faro, Portugal. His condition is described as Ischiopagus dipygus. See NYS Journal of Medicine, Nov. 1979, p. 1933 in Early Medical Photography in America by Stanley Burns.
John Babtista dos Santos of Faro, Portugal. His condition is described as Ischiopagus dipygus. See NYS Journal of Medicine, Nov. 1979, p. 1933 in Early Medical Photography in America by Stanley Burns.
Jacob Doorn, man with two artificial arms. The CDV is mounted on a sheet of paper along with a handwritten statement by Doorn which reads “Written by the undersigned with the help of his artificial arms produced by the firm A & B Schmeink at Amsterdam” and signed “Jacob Doorn from Nuizen near Naarden,” and dated “Amsterdam 5 October 1883.”