

Chang and Eng.


Prominent Portraits. No. 3918. Zuruby Hannum (Pearl of the Sea) the Circassian Girl, at Barnum’s Museum.


Prominent Portraits-The Stage. No. 2128. Zuruby Hannum, the Circassian Girl, at Barnum’s Museum.


Prominent Portraits. No. 3922. Zuruby Hannum (Pearl of the Sea) and Zuluma Agra, (Star of the East) the Circassian Girls, at Barnum’s Museum.


Chang and Eng and two of their children.


Chang and Eng, their wives, and two children.


Millie Christine.


Millie Christine.


Millie Christine.


Millie Christine.


Millie Christine.






These are the twin sons of Mrs. Henry Jones, born in Prairie Township, Tipton County, Indiana, on June 24, 1889. Mrs. Jones was only 19 years old and already had a two-year-old daughter. Various notes on back of card including “Taken while on exhibition at Wonderland. Buffalo, NY.”


Myrtle Corbin, Texas, four-legged woman.


Tocci Brothers, Giovanni and Giacomo.


Piramal & Sami, Brother & Sister, Double Bodied, Hindoo Enigma.


Ventriloquist with 3 seated dummies. Faintly written on verso: “To our kind friends Pop & Maury Quinnett from Jules the ??? Prairie du Chien, Wis. c/o Harold House.


Hannah Battersby, married to the thin man John Battersby. She was born Hannah Jane Duke. Age 20, weight 583 lbs.


Master John H. Powers, 19 years old. Weighs (553 pounds, crossed out, 601 and 633 written in), 6 feet 5 inches high. Born in Franklin County, Kentucky. Is the largest boy of his age in America. 1877.


Willie R. Fisher, the Fat Boy of Harrisville, N.H. The Wonder of Cheshire County.


Willie R. Fisher, the Fat Boy of Harrisville, N.H. The Wonder of Cheshire County.


Prominent Portraits. No. 2843. Mrs. Hannah Battersby. Weight 700 lbs.


Prominent Portraits. No. 5540. Mammoth Fat Boy, (Barnum’s Museum), age 16 years, weights 526 pounds, measures across the shoulders three feet two inches, round the waist six feet three inches.


“Big Eliza, the Kentucky Giantess.” Eliza Sebastian.


Unidentified Fat Lady.


Amelia Hill, Fat Girl.


Unidentified Fat Lady and Family.


Amelia Hill, Fat Girl.


Maude Miller, born in NYC, age 26, weight 865 lbs.


Unidentified Fat Lady with girl.


To Mr. Cole Middletons, Mr. Cole, Mlle. Josephine, Age 13 yrs, wt. 386 lbs, 5 ft. 4 in. tall, Chicago, from your Dear little midget.


Unidentified Fat Lady.


Unidentified Fat Lady.


Unidentified Fat Lady.


Unidentified Fat Lady.


Unidentified Fat Lady.


Alice Cherry, World’s Fattest Girl, Age 24 Years.


Fred Howe, Age 17, Weight 365. Kentucky.


Compliments of Chauncey Morlan, Age 12, weight 687.


Henri Maurice Cannon at the “Chutes.” The Greatest Gun on Earth! Born 1850. Height 5 ft. 10 1/2 inches, weight 613 pounds. Curcumference of waist 96 in., chest 72 in., thigh 54 in., calf 38 in.


Jno. N. Craig. I.O.O.F. K. of P. and I.O.R.M. John Hanson Craig, Kentucky.


Sir Marcus Goodwillie, 32 yrs old & weighs 907 lbs., 6 feet 5 inches high. The Hendricks Co. Indiana Wonder, Price 15 cts.


Jno. N. Craig. I.O.O.F. K. of P. and I.O.R.M. John Hanson Craig, Kentucky.


Chauncey Morlan, Age 16 years, weight 465 pounds.


Chauncey Morlan, Age 16 years, weight 465 pounds.


Anna Swan, The “Nova Scotia Giant Girl,” 17 years old! weighs 379 pounds! 8 feet 1 inch high and still growing-the tallest girl ever known. Exhibiting at Barnum’s Museum, New York.


Mrs. Anna Bates, 8 feet tall. Anna Swan, the “Nova Scotia Giant Girl,” who married Captain M.V. Bates.

Anna Haining Bates (née Swan; August 6, 1846 – August 5, 1888), was a Canadian woman famed for her great stature of 7 feet 11 inches. Her parents were of average height and were Scottish immigrants.

Anna Swan was born at Mill Brook, New Annan, Nova Scotia. At birth she weighed 16 pounds. She was the third of 13 children, all of the others being around average height. From birth she grew very quickly. On her fourth birthday she was 4 feet 6 inches tall. On her 6th birthday she was measured again, and she stood 5 feet 2 inches tall, an inch or two  shorter than her mother. On her 11th birthday she stood 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed 203 pounds. By her 15th birthday Bates was 7 feet tall. She reached her full height three years later. Her feet measured 14.2 inches long.

Swan excelled at literature and music and was considered to be very intelligent. She also excelled at her studies of acting, piano and voice. She played Lady Macbeth in one play. At one time, she nearly burned to death when Barnum’s museum was destroyed by fire. The stairs were in flames and she was too large to escape through a window. She did get help and escaped safely. She normally weighed 340 pounds. When visiting a circus in Halifax with which Martin Van Buren Bates — another enormously tall person — was travelling, Swan was spotted by the promoter and hired on the spot. The giant couple became a touring sensation and eventually fell in love and, on June 17, 1871, in St Martin-in-the-Fields in London, they married.

In 1872, Bates and her husband purchased 130 acres of land and had furniture made to their specifications. Martin supervised the construction of the house. The main part of the house had fourteen-foot ceilings, while the doors were extra wide and were eight feet tall. The back part of the house was built an average size for servants and guests.

Bates conceived two children with Martin. The first was a girl born on May 19, 1872; she weighed 18 pounds and died at birth. While touring in the summer of 1878, Anna was pregnant for the second time. The boy was born on January 18, 1879, and survived only 11 hours. He was the largest newborn ever recorded, at 23 pounds 9 ounces and nearly 30 inches tall; each of his feet was six inches long. For this he was posthumously awarded a Guinness World Record.

The Bateses resumed touring with the W.W. Cole Circus in the summer of 1879, and again in the spring of 1880. Bates spent her remaining years quietly on the farm that she and her husband owned. She had joined the local Baptist Church in 1877 and attended services with her husband.

Bates died suddenly and unexpectedly of heart failure in her sleep at her home on August 5, 1888, one day before her 42nd birthday.




Col. Routh Goshen, The Arabian Giant, 29 years old; 7 feet 10 inches high; weight 508 lbs. Born in Old Jerusalem. Carte is probably signed on verso in both Arabic and English. Routh Goshen, born Arthur James Caley (1824 – February 12, 1889) was most commonly known as Colonel Routh Goshen or the Arabian Giant or the Palestine Giant.


Col. Routh Goshen, The Arabian Giant, 29 years old; 7 feet 10 inches high; weight 508 lbs. Born in Old Jerusalem. Routh Goshen, born Arthur James Caley (1824 – February 12, 1889) was most commonly known as Colonel Routh Goshen or the Arabian Giant or the Palestine Giant.